I have a few of my Love Feta totes that have some small imperfections, so they are available here as discounted seconds. The flaws are only small, and the bags still the same quality as my full price bags. I've tried to capture the flaws as best I can in the photos.
The cotton is a raw, unbleached, off-white - the tote is made by Earth Positive, and is organic cotton, Fair Wear and the construction of the blank tote is Climate neutral.
The bag measures 35cm (14") wide and 41cm (16") high.
See the photos for close ups of the marks on each of the bags, and choose from the dropdown menu which one you would like to order.
Tote A. (photo 2) I don't know quite what happened here, but the heart has some discolouration in the red ink. A few patches are darker than the main colour.
Tote B. (photos 3 + 4) Is one of my early feta totes where I hand printed the heart in blue. For some reason I also added a white drop in the centre. This one has a few flaws, the blue heart smudged during printing, and it also has a dark mark under the feta print, and two grey smudges lower down on the front.
Tote C. (photo 5) Has a mark to the right of the feta print. This feta print is smaller than the tote in the first photo, and it also has no heart printed at the top, hence I've given this one the greatest discount.
A note on shipping prices: these can vary greatly especially if you order more than one item. So if I've miscalculated the shipping you have paid during checkout, I will refund any difference greater than 2€ (This amount covers the cost of packing supplies.)
Greek customers who wish to use BoxNow can let me know via email, and I will also refund the difference in the shipping cost. For BoxNow I will need your phone number and the address of the locker you wish to use.